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Score & Construction


08.08.2022 - 12.08.2022



Today, I looked at the threads I have running through my show, two of them being construction and Cornwall. I aimed to have a section that brought them together, in order to break the separate episodic pattern that precedes it. From this, I created the text 'Construction of a Pasty'. 

























Today I wrote out the order of the score so far so that I could see what sections need cleaning/finishing. I've been writing the score out in list form and this is how it stands currently:



I see

Dad 1

Narrator 1

Movement 1

Chair 1


I see 

Dad 2

Narrator 2

Construction of a pasty 

Movement 2


Chair 2

Narrator 3

Dad 3


I then went on to focus on my motif movement sequence. I rehearsed and cleaned some of the choreography. I wanted it to have elements of manual labour in so I took inspiration from construction workers and sailors for gestures such as lifting and pulling. In this video, I added voice and heaving sounds to see if it richened the movement. I have realised that I like the voice and breath, particularly, on the heavier actions.


I intend to use this sequence three times in the show, but as the sequences go on, the movements are weaker and incomplete. This should manifest due to high power movements I will include between. Overall, I hope for this to represent the rigorous world of work of today.



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Today, I spent most of my time working on my Qlab for my video and sound. It includes the videos for my projections and the music and sounds to accompany my piece. The song I am using for my movement piece is 'Nobody but Me' by The Human Beinz'. I chose it as it's a fast beat and high energy song, however I specifically like the horn sound in the beginning which resembles a boat horn. This makes the song easier to transition into as their is a clear, starting sound.

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