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Marketing and Material


15.08.2022 - 19.08.2022


and Material


Today, my course mate Chloe and I did a photoshoot session to get photos for our shows. As my show is a movement oriented piece, I took a look at some programs from successful movement pieces I have seen to get inspiration for mine. These programs consisted of FARFROMTHENORM's BLKDOG, Motionhouse's Nobody and Hofesh Schecter's Double Murder. 


Upon looking at these, I specifically liked the photos of performers in motion, as seen in the Nobody photo. However, I liked the symmetry of the BLKDOG text, so I knew I wanted to have myself centre of the photo to align with the title of the show.

These are some results from the shoot:


This photo was the chosen photo as the cover photo for my show. I liked the tilt pose as it hints at momentum and movement that is present in my show.


Unintentionally, the lighting from my jacket beamed off the floor and I loved how it turned out. To me, it looks like city lamplights on pavements which happens to sit comfortably with the urban theme in my show. 

This headless photo came about by me doing a backbend and then realised that my head and neck was missing. It resulted in a very interesting and quirky, slightly offbeat photo that I am a big fan of. However, this did not match the honest and autobiographical essence of my piece so this photo wasn't used.



I also wrote up a bio to go with the photo to describe the show. I wanted to make clear of the opposites I play with and the form of physical theatre that is involved. Here it is...


The city and the coast. The urban and the rural. How do our lives move in and between them? WINDTHROW is a physical theatre exploration of observations, past and present, of urban and rural life. The demands of work and the sounds of the sea are calling…  

This is how it came together in the MA Contemporary Performance programme

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 18.12.38.png



Today, I played with choreographing to the rhythm of my dad's voice recording. Dancer and choreographer Crystal Pite, is my main influence for this style. Her movement goes hand in hand with voice patterns and the rhythm of conversation. This style really captured my attention, so I thought I would try and add an element of this into my show. . 

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